24-hour TSP Monitoring Results
Station CM_WF1a, The Wah Ming House
Start Finish Weather Filter Weight (g) Elapsed Time Reading Sampling Time Flow Rate (m3/min) TSP Conc. Action Level Limit Level Observations / Remarks Sampler Filter
Date Time Date Time   Initial Final Initial Final (hrs) Initial Final Average  (µg/m3)  (µg/m3)  (µg/m3)   ID ID
04-Jul-12 08:00 05-Jul-12 08:00 Sunny 2.8003 2.8313 3997.40 4021.40 24.00 1.0313 1.0313 1.0313 21 185.3 260 Rock out and operation of mobile crane Wah Fu 1099
11-Jul-12 08:00 12-Jul-12 08:00 Sunny 2.8123 2.8429 4025.38 4049.38 24.00 1.0316 1.0316 1.0316 21 185.3 260 Rock out and operation of mobile crane Wah Fu 1113
16-Jul-12 08:00 17-Jul-12 08:00 Sunny 2.8003 2.8414 4049.38 4073.38 24.00 1.0316 1.0316 1.0316 28 185.3 260 Rock out and operation of mobile crane Wah Fu 1117
20-Jul-12 08:00 21-Jul-12 08:00 Sunny 2.7874 2.8509 4073.37 4097.37 24.00 1.0306 1.0306 1.0306 43 185.3 260 Rock out and operation of mobile crane Wah Fu 1121
26-Jul-12 HVS failure of power supply
                        Min. 21          
                        Max. 43          
                      Average 28